The root form, which means 'shape,' gives us a number of words that are used every day, including reform, information, deformed, and form. To 'form," for instance, is simply 'to shape,' whereas to reform is merely to 'shape again.
Your instructions are very unclear.
Sports are fundamental to one's health. If sports or exercising in general was deducted from one's daily life style they will most likely suffer. Not being active has harsh consequence on one's body. One may gain weight, have weaker bones, and weaker muscles. Everyone should participate in sports or some type of physical activity to avoid these problems. Such as playing: Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Soccer, Skateboarding, Tennis, or Frisbee Golf. Sports also have a link to attitudes and outlooks. When put into groups and needing to use teamwork, people who play sports tend to be at ease and have no problems working in groups. Sports is a good way to keep your health in check and helps you deal with life such as group projects and office work.
In the mentioned sestet from John Milton's sonnet VII, the way the act of trust responds to the speaker issues is that His trust in God allays his worries about his progress because he sees that he will arrive in life where he is meant to and when he is meant to.
In that stanza the speaker is sure that he does not have to worry trying to hasten his pace because God, his "Taskmaster's eye" is watching for him and he has a plan for everyone. So he trust God's plan and that it will eventually grant him his dues.
Not sure, I think it was <u>The Modern Prometheus</u>.