Try it out before you start
The option that means "word for word" is the second one, letter B: Verbatim
Let's take a look at the meanings of all the options:
- Proverb: is a short saying that usually states a truth or piece of advice.
- Verbatim: means word for word, that is, using the exact same words as were used to state something before.
- Verbose: means saying something using more words than what would be necessary.
- Verbalize: means simply "to express something" in words.
- Diversity: is the state of being different, varied, diverse.
I'm not going to write 50 words, but historical context is always important so you can use examples.
1. She told us she didn’t eat meat.
2. They said they would be late.
3. I told you it would rain!
4. Connor said he could speak five languages!
5. Dad said he would help me.
6. We told them we couldn’t go to the party.