Interdependence means "the dependence of 2 or more people or things on each other". You basically depend on each other for goods, support, etc.
Specialization means "the process of concentrating on and becoming expert in a particular subject or skill." What this means is that you basically just focus on mastering a certain job or skill.
Colonies depended on Europe for trade, because most european countries only allow their colonies too trade with them. Without other people too trade with, colonies start to depend on Europe too get whatever they want, and also depend on europe too get money for their products
Well first we shall start with
1) After the French and Indian War the British put the Proclamation of 1763 that banned settlement west of the Appalachian mtns in order to prevent further Native-Settler conflict however the colonist viewed that they deserved the land after their participation in the F and I War.
2) The colonist were also angry because of their inferior treatment during the F and I War.
3) The British began to heavily tax the American colonies to help pay off their war debts(Tea Tax, Stamp Tax etc....)
4) Britain closely restricted colonial trade which forbid the colonists from trading with anyone except the British
5) The British also passed the Abominable Acts which were a set of laws that composed of the Quartering Act and others like it that the colonists viewed as invasion of privacy in the highest degree
1. The Portuguese establish sugar plantations on islands off the coast of West Africa;
2. Portuguese laborers are unwilling to leave their homeland;
3. The Portuguese bring in slaves to work on their plantations;
4. Other European countries also start purchasing enslaved Africans;
The Portuguese didn't really investigated the situation about the labor force before they make sugar plantations, so they set them up, and it turned out that the Portuguese people are not willing to come and work on them, so they were left with plantations without laborers. Since they didn't wanted this investment to be for nothing, they started buying African slaves from some of the stronger tribes that were keeping slaves. They used them as labor force afterwards, and saw the long term benefit of it, so started to purchase more and more slaves. After the word spread out, and also after the other European countries started to have colonies, they too started to purchase African slaves, thus making it a huge business for both, them and the stronger African tribes that were selling the slaves to them.
I think it's War Debt. Not sure