The answer is divine intervention
Internal and external conflicts always exist in literature. The internal conflict usually revolves around the concept of Man versus himself meaning that there is inner confusion and often a difficult choice to be made. It may be an emotional or ethical choice which is driven by feelings and perceptions. External conflicts are recognizable as the struggle of Man versus Man, Man versus Nature, Man versus fate or Destiny, Man versus society and Man versus machine. In The Boy in The Striped Pajamas, Bruno experiences inner and external conflict as he struggles to accept his father's decisions although he knows that his father holds the ultimate position of authority in the household which Bruno cannot question. Bruno decides to defy his parents wishes and go exploring along the fence (inner conflict). He makes a conscious decision to challenge that authority by going exploring even though he knows what is expected of him.
Bruno suffers another inner conflict when he denies Shmuel after Kotler catches Shmuel eating the cake which Bruno has given him. This has painful consequences for both boys and Bruno's promise that he will never let his friend down again is put to the test and resolves the conflict when he joins Shmuel on his side of the fence, only to meet his death in the gas chamber.
External conflicts include the only time Bruno stands up to his father in chapter 5 and is told that "those people...well they're not people at all." This conflict will be resolved when Bruno meets Shmuel for the first time and discovers that the boys share a birthday so are apparently not so different after all. This conflict could be both Man versus Man and Man versus society as Bruno reveals the similarities and not the differences between the Jews and the Nazis.
In the conflict of Man versus Destiny, Bruno's mother desperately wants to free herself from any part in the Nazi solution. Her inner conflict as she tries to be loyal and to justify her part is outweighed by her external conflict as she fights the inevitable.
Answer: Yes, so if there is an emergency then could go up to the office and ask them if you could call your parents with your phone, let's say if you missed the bus then you could use your phone then too.
Explanation: Phone's can be a great resource in our lives, but they should be restricted from use in a learning environment, reminding us that education is 1st priority. Students in high school are most likely cheating because they are earning bad grades and they take advantage of their phones to do so. More than 200 students were expelled after being caught cheating in the Grade 12 board exam in the past three days. Nearly a dozen parents who helped them use unfair means were also arrested.
This question is about "Young Goodman Brown"
The reality presented by the author means that the character does not know if what he is experiencing is a dream or not. The reader also has this doubt, which ends up creating the mystery of the work.
"Young Goodman Brown" is set in Salem at the time of the witch hunt in the region. In this story, Goodman Brown leaves his family for a mysterious mission in the forest. In this mission, the author exposes the discrepancy between the goodness and the badness of the human being, portraying a complex, fragmented and symbolic reality, which makes Goodman Brown unable to know whether he is dreaming or not. This mystery is so wide open that it infects even the reader.