Sub to SZ Lexrn if that does not show search up shiyo on vr and first vid is them please help out , thx bye . If you do it cmt and ill make a post for yall for 100 points
Sorry for not answering
1. True. Jamestown was created to support the Virginia Company of London, later dubbed as the London Company
2. False. The Savannah River is a river between SC and GA, but Jamestown was located in Virginia
3. True. Conditions were harsh in Jamestown.
4. False. Colonists started to arrive in Jamestown in 1607.
5. True. Colonists were lazy and did not want to do the work they needed to.
Maarten Schmidt found the spectral lines were high redshift (had their emission lines shifted toward longer, redder wavelengths by the expansion of the Universe)
<span>The puzzle about quasar spectra, which was finally solved by Maarten Schmidt, was </span><span>the brightest known quasar</span>.