I would have to say it acts as the subject of this sentence
1. 3 types of friends:
—Friendships of utility: exist between you and someone who is useful to you in some way.
—Friendships of pleasure: exist between you and those whose company you enjoy.
—Friendships of the good: are based on mutual respect and admiration.
2. Friends can be classified according to their honesty, loyalty, the types that fits you into their schedule, or the type that finds time for you when they need something.
3.Step 1: Get Ideas. Before you start doing anything, you have to get classification essay ideas.
Step 2: Formulate the thesis Statement.
Step 3: Plan the Process.
Step 4: Do more research.
Step 5: Write the classification paper.
Step 6: Do the Revisions.
Two of her character traits are:
- She has a strong interest in nature;
- She possesses the ability to deeply think about her environment, drawing inferences from them as they relate to human nature.
A. To buttress point 1, in paragraph 4 and 5 of Part II, Annie describes her venture into the woods of the suburbia close to her residence. The second sentence of paragraph 5 depicts that this is a habit. She states
"Then I cut down through the woods to the mossy fallen tree <em><u>where I sit</u></em>."
B. In paragraph 4 of part III, we see how she describes the kind of connection she thinks she shares with the Weasel:
"He disappeared. This was only last week, and already I don't remember what shattered the enchantment. I think I blinked, I think <em><u>I retrieved my brain from the weasel's brain</u></em>, and tried to memorize what I was seeing, and the weasel felt the yank of separation, the careening splashdown into real life and the urgent current of instinct"
In the excerpt above, she thinks she practically shared cerebral connections with the Weasel, so much so that her own thoughts distracted the animal.
An infinitive phrase is the infinitive form of a verb plus any complements and modifiers. The complement of an infinitive verb will often be its direct object, and the modifier will often be an adverb. For example: He likes to knead the dough slowly.