Declarative Sentence, Exclamatory Sentence, Imperative Sentence, and Interrogative Sentence.
Declarative- With a period
ex: I walked to school
Exclamatory Sentence- with an exclamation mark
ex: I walked to school!
Imperative Sentence- with an implied you
ex: Walk to school.
Interrogative Sentence- With a question mark
ex: I walked to school?
Erik the Red left Norway and founded a settlement in Greenland then later he had a son call leif Erickson, when life Grew Older he left Greenland to visit the king of Norway. The king asked slaves to go back to Greenland when leif had left bad storms surged on the Seas. He was soon off course but then he had finally landed in a strange Land and many historians believe it may have been the United States or Canada
The dark clouds gave me a glimpse that it was going to rain. It rained so hard. There was so much puddles when I was walking. Rain is such a soothing sound it makes me feel very calm. Also I don’t really like rain when I’m out because I hate the feeling of getting wet when I have clothes on. When I was out there was so much people carrying umbrellas.
The Chararters have happy memories of there past childhood