It goes by the number of people who are eligible for and actually claiming unemployment benefits.
the olmec influenced the zapotec from their stone carvings, plazas, temples and pyramids
I’m pretty sure it was the quakers (if they are Christian)
<u>Prophecy of the Volva</u>
Voluspa, or more accurately Völuspá is the first set of Viking Age poetry in the Poetic Edda, a Norse Mythology Book, some might say THE Norse Mythology book! The Völuspá translates to mean the “Prophecy of the Volva” or “Prophecy of the Seer.” A Volva was a wise-woman in old Norse culture.
It is commonly thought that the poem was composed in Iceland about the year 1000, when Icelanders perceived the fall of their ancient gods and the approach of Christianity. The story is told by an age-old seeress who was reared by primeval giants.
It tells the story of the creation of the world and its coming end, related to the audience by a völva(a Viking witch was known as a Völva, and they were considered to be powerful seeresses, shamans as well as workers of Seidr magic) addressing Odin. It is one of the most important primary sources for the study of Norse mythology. Henry Adam Bellows proposed a 10th-century dating and authorship by a pagan Icelander with knowledge of Christianity.
Many countries used to rely on an electoral college in order to get public officials elected, however, this system has been criticized for it has been perceived of as unfair in the event of a slight majority in an electoral district overruling the votes of a great number of citizens. At a first glance, it seems to run counter to the intuitive concept of democracy, i.e., the government elected by the majorities. IN the history of the U.S. there have been two or three presidential elections won by the candidate holding the majority of the electoral colleges yet failing to obtain the absolute majority of votes.
A solution often proposed to change this is the system of direct election. Under this system, candidates running for public office can only win provided that they manage to get the absolute majority of votes cast. Statistics on the number of votes per candidate and vote ratios are usually made for informational purposes, however, they are irrelevant to determine the final outcome.