Nancy wears a yellow hat.
In Spanish: Nancy lleva un sombrero amarillo.
This is a present tense sentence. We have the verb <em>to wear</em>, which means <em>llevar</em> in Spanish.
Let's see the conjugation first:
1. yo llevo 1. nosotros/as llevamos
2. tú llevas 2. vosotros/as lleváis
3. él/ ella lleva 3. ellos/as llevan
In this case, the subject is NANCY and we can change it for "she".
So, we can say: She wears a yellow hat.
That is third person singular, so we have to find the equal term in Spanish:
3. él/ ella<u> </u><u>lleva </u>
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That is why this sentence is correct Nancy lleva un sombrero amarillo.
Other options:
Nancy llevas un sombrero amarillo. - <em>llevas</em> is YOU
Nancy llevan un sombrero amarillo. - <em>llevan</em> is THEY
Nancy llevas una sombrero amarilla. - <em>llevas</em> is YOU and <em>sombrero</em> (hat) is masculine (un sombrero)