So I think is being is the answer
Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities are give to animals, objects or ideas.
Two examples of sky turned to personification :
1. The sun glared down at me from <span>sky.
2. T</span><span>he stars danced playfully in the moonlit </span>sky.
1. If my memory serves me well, Lincoln's focus in the Gettysburg Address was to <span>describe the importance of the union and freedom. (D) Lincoln's main purpose was to describe what impact had the war on the country. He d</span>enounced the injustices of the nations law.<span>
2. I am definitely sure that the </span>purpose of Martin Luther King, Jr. writing "Letter from Birmingham Jail" was to <span>defend his actions, react to a statement, share his opinions regarding segregation. Letter from Birmingham Jail has many things in common with Lincoln's Gettysburg address.</span>
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