The answer is racial discrimination.
Jim Crow Laws were laws created to segregate the White and
Black Americans in the mid-19th century. These laws were created by
the Democratic party wherein they have given the Black Americans equal rights
but they have created their own public facilities to separate them from the
White Americans.
The correct answer is: Sun Yat-sen.
Politic, statistic, and ideologist Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) was the Republic of China's first president. He is called "<em>The Father of the Nation</em>" since he was one of the masterminds who forced abdicate the <em>Qing </em>dynasty during the early 20th century. Even if his revolution was successful, his political life one of constant struggle and exile.
What are the three principles of the people?
The three principles of the people are :nationalism, democracy, and the livelihood of the people.
This ideology was developed by Sun Yat-sen to create prosperous nation.
Are these realistic in China?
No. China has a massive authoritarian power structure, in which the government owned almost all the resources in the country. The people do not obtain the right to free election, which do not fulfill the 'Democracy' Criteria from the three principles.
How about in today's world?
Absolutely. Those three principles are generally popular among the citizens, it should not be difficult to achieve.
Probably the biggest challenge for any other country in the world would be fulfilling livelihood of the people.
But it can be solved by having emphatic understanding toward the hardship that felt by our fellow citizens.