At the beginning of the story he felt confused and scared. He was trying to figure out if it was all a dream or if it was real. He asked his mother and found out it was not a dream. And when he found it it was true he thanked his mother.
In the first paragraph, MLK addresses the clergyman's words concerning the timing of the movement being "unwise and untimely", stating that he didn't have to take the time to answer the clergyman's questions, but because he respects them, he will answer their letter.
King's goal in issuing his "letter from a Birmingham jail" was to address criticisms directed against him by individuals who unarguably should have known better. The teachings of Jesus, he repeated, provided for the nonviolent activities that were solely intended to correct injustices.
Dear: Stranger
One reason my school has been excelling in academic work is that the kid's are respectful, second of all the school system is well organized, and last the kid's are given extra time on work.
An educational excursion is a study trip or research trip, in which students leave the school building to develop educational and learning activities in a different environment, usually related to the subject on which the excursion has reason. Thus, for example, an excursion to a museum can be part of the curriculum of the history subject, where the teacher transfers his students to a different environment so that they can make direct contact with the topic to be addressed in class.
Excursions, in general, are excellent educational experiences, as they are efficient ways of establishing knowledge since the student relates the subject studied with the lived experience, which facilitates their understanding of the topic and their fixation of knowledge.