If magma is thin and runny, gases can escape easily from it. When this type of magma erupts, it flows out of the volcano. ... If magma is thick and sticky, gases cannot escape easily. Pressure builds up until the gases escape violently and explode.
When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust; this is because oceanic crust is naturally denser. Convergent boundaries are commonly associated with larger earthquakes and higher volcanic activity
The HDI (Human Development Index) considers three main dimensions to evaluate the development of a country:
1. Long and healthy life of its citizens
2. Education.
3. Standard of living.
1. Long and healthy life
The long and healthy life dimension is measured by life expectancy at birth. The life expectancy at birth is a statistical measure that an average individual is expected to live based on certain demographic factors such as the year of birth and current age.
2. Education
This is a second dimension in the HDI. The indicators of education are the expected years of schooling and the mean years of schooling. According to the UN, the average maximum years of schooling is 18 years, while the mean maximum years of schooling is 15 years.
3. Standard of living
The standard of living is usually measured by the gross national income (GNI) per capita. The GNI indicates the total domestic and foreign output created by the residents of a certain country.
1.1 Jupiter is named after a roman god of the light and sky.
1.2 Jupiter is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets combined.
1.3 The Romans called this planet Jupiter because it was the largest object in the sky.
2.1 Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
2.2 Jupiter's Giant Red Spot was first photographed on March 5th, 1979.
3.1 Jupiter Has 67 Moons.
3.2 Jupiter Is The Fastest Spinning Planet In The Solar System.
3.3 Jupiter Has Rings.
4.the atmosphere of Jupiter is made up of mostly hydrogen gas and helium gas.