He had two seperate plot developments happen at the same time. He also forshadowed and Hamlet going mad a little. Even though in this scene it was suppose to be faked. The scenes would be what Gertrude, which includes the discussion with the ambassadors; Hamlet’s conversation with Polonius, in which we see Hamlet consciously feigning madness for the first time; Hamlet’s reunion with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern; and the scene with the players, followed by Hamlet’s concluding speech on the them. These separate plot developments take place in the same location and occur in rapid succession. This causes suspense to build for it leaves us wandering what can happen next.
The song was inspired, first and foremost, by the deaths of musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P “The Big Bopper” Richardson in a plane crash on Feb. 3, 1959 – the “day the music died,” according to the song. (McLean was a 13-year-old paperboy at the time and mourned their deaths greatly.)
What instrument do you need the notes for?
The question is asking which of the following pieces of art would be
considered a form of social protest? But there are no choices provided.
Let's give some examples though: 1) something that is forbidden, for
example a depiction of democracy in a totalitarian state 2) portraying
poverty or misery and showing this to the advantaged elite - it would be
a way of "complaining" about the elite (for example paining a