They had little food, and their husbands, or wifes, or kids to depend on so that they have something to fight for.
Monarchy? I dunno
I'll try to find out lemme look
I don't speak your language sorry :(
Answer: Option (c) is correct.
Average propensity to consume refers to the fraction of income that is spent on consumption. It is determined by dividing the consumption level of an individual by income.
Average propensity to consume (APC) = 
Hence, as the income of an individual increases, as a result average propensity to consume falls because the denominator part of an equation become more larger than the numerator part.
peripheral-route processing
Peripheral route processing or better known as peripheral route to persuasion is the idea of a message evaluated on the basis of anything other than the central knowledge of the message. It occurs when an individual is persuaded by a surface level characteristics instead of the actual content. As per the question, the president is appealing to trust him on the basis of his position instead of factual information about the war, therefore he is using peripheral route processing.