eeermrmmm like wut
how u want me to say this
No, death of Mercutio does not seem to be justified.
Death of Mercutio can not be justified because his death was accidental.
Neither Tybalt's death seem to be justified.
Romeo and Juliet is a Romantic Tragedy written by William Shakespeare.
In Act 3, Scene 1, of the play, in a feud between Tybalt and Mercutio, Mercutio was killed accidentally by Tybalt. Tybalt and Mercutio entered the sword fight after Tybalt continues to instigate Romeo for fight and Mercutio, being hot-tempered, challenged Tybalt for the feud. To stop the fight, Romeo enters the feud and in this, Tybalt's sword escapes Romeo's arm and stabs Mercutio to death.
So, this shows that Mercutio does not seem to die and his death can not be justified as his death was an accident.
Death of Tybalt also does not seem to be justified as he was killed in anger by Romeo to avenge the death of his friend, Mercutio. After killing Tybalt, Romeo also seem to realize that he should not have killed Tybalt.
Old age homes, or retirement homes are advisable for many different reasons. First of all, many of the elderly's children are not able to provide the needed care on a 24/7 basis. In the present day society, both the mother and the father have to work to be able to provide for their own children. By placing their elderly loved on into a retirement home, they are able to continue working, while entrusting their loved one with professional nurses and caretakers. These workers are able to keep a constant eye on the elderly, provide them with balanced meals, give them their daily medications, and provide physical therapy should it be needed.
And I lean down to catch my breath and here comes Gretchen walking back, for she’s overshot the finish line too, huffing and puffing with her hands on her hips taking it slow, breathing in steady time like a real pro and I sort of like her a little for the first time.
hope this helps
correct me if this is wrong
To determine if someone talking is telling the truth, watch for body language. IF the person is fidgeting, keeps looking away, or stumbles upon their words, there is a high possibility they aren't telling the truth.
Ask yourself if what they are saying is possible or makes sense