Encounters between European navigators, explorers, conquerors, colonizers, merchants, missionaries and "other" peoples and cultures over the course of 4 centuries. At an immediate and practical level, conquest, colonization and trade led to modes of domination or coexistence and multi-faceted transcultural relationships. In Europe, such encounters with "otherness" led to attempts to explain and interpret the origins and nature of racial and cultural (linguistic, religious and social) diversity. At the same time, observation of alien societies, cultures and religious practices broadened the debate on human social forms, leading to a critical reappraisal of European Christian civilization.
C. They were laws that segregated blacks and whites in the south
Automotive was a huge development in 1950s and was important because it was a area we were slacking on.
Many barbarian tribes converted to Christianity during the fourth century after they became a part of Roman society. Many tribes migrated to Roman lands during the fourth century and were introduced to new ideas through trade. Over time these tribes adopted Roman culture and become Romanized.