H.R. 2520 is a bill in the United States Congress, also known as <em>Browser Act of 2017</em>; under the Energy and Commerce committees, and the Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection, trying to ensure that Internet service providers notify users about their privacy policies, for users to have the option of disclose or authorize access to the user's sensitive information collected by such providers.
It's basically trying to prevent the abuse of privacy by internet providers to their users.
Education become compulsory in the United States of America in 1880. An Act was passed in 1880 which make it compulsory for parents to send their children to school until they are ten years of age. The right to education was extended to the blind and the deaf children in 1893.
It seems like we have a number of precedents in the past as well. <span>For example Confucianism
is a popular philosophy found in Chinese culture, looking at the teachings
given by the Confucius it seems it had more of a practical and worldly approach
than religious, the reason why Chinese elite were struck by the phenomenon.
Another example is of Greek rationalism from where even the modern Western
philosophy and secular thoughts seem to emerge. According to this religion had
its own dominion separating scientific and philosophical issues. Similarly,
legalism can be another example.</span>
7. Thunder
8. large hail, strong winds, flooding, and tornadoes