Answer: The answer can be found in the accompanying text/short story. The question is asking you to indentify which <em>one</em> of the three options appear in the story. The one phrase that does appears in the story is the correct answer.
Fun tip: Seperate the three steps into three individual sentences.
For exmaple:
1.) Primero, mi tío Gustavo limpia la tierra.
2.) Segundo, él da de comer a las gallinas.
3.) Tercero, las gallinas corren y beben agua limpia toda la mañana.
Then, see if any of the phrases or wording appear in the text. You want to select the one that most closesly matches the wording in the story.
Some helpful Spanish to English translations:
"Primero" means first
"Segundo" means second
"Tercero" means Third
"Gallinas" is the plural word for hen
"Limpia" means clean
"Teirra" means ground or land
"Agua" means water
Hope this is helpful!