Ahora que ha trabajado a través de un montón de material que incluye estos patrones básicos, y ha comparado frases <br> gramaticalmente correctas e incorrectas, escriba lo que cree que es una regla que podría explicar lo que hace que una frase <br> gramaticalmente correcta o no. Por ejemplo, podría escribir algo como: "Los verbos siempre coinciden con nombres en número, <br> y suelen aparecer antes del sustantivo". En otras palabras, haga su mejor conjetura para la regla de la gramática que tiene sentido hacia fuera <br> del patrón(s) que usted ve en el phr
The answer is: Commercialisation.
There are different steps while product development, the basic ones in this order are:
- Idea generation
- Research of your product
- Planning
- Prototyping
- Sourcing
- Costing
- Commercialising
The first six steps, do not involve "the market" itsef, as in order to be able to find a product on the market, it has had to go through all the other steps; firstly, because you cannot launch a product without having made a prototype of it first, or launching a product without knowing how much it will cost, it is not normal... You can't also find a product on the market before having planned it or reserched about it... So the fact of finding a product "temporarily" on the market in an specific geographic area, means that the commercialisation has just started.
<span>Adonde fue que escucho que tomo que leyo- w</span>here did I hear that I take that read
A . Aprendiesen
That's how they said in Spain and is the only that sounds good