The possessive determiners, also called possessive adjectives, serve to express ownership or possession (hence the name). Possessive adjectives, like all adjectives in Spanish, must agree with the noun they modify. Thus, if the noun is feminine, the possessive adjective must be feminine, too.
Estaba en la cama, esperando para eschuchar los pasos. Me levante para ver a santo pero unico vi fue mis padres preparando los regalos para la proima manana
Nosotras estudiamos el idioma español. (feminine)
Nosotros estudiamos el idioma español. (masculine)
Before you o somewhere try and learn as much as you can about their culture. Don't want to go somewhere and the people kill you because you did something they think is terrible. Oh and learn the basics of their language
1. Mi mamá va
2. Él va
3. Mi maestro de Español va
4. Mis amigos van
5. Tú vas
6. Ellos van
7. Mi prima y yo vamos
8. Ella va
9. Señor Vasquez va
10. Usted va