I’d say provide for the general defense because one state can not protect the whole country
This is one of those questions that you should always qualify by stating that it is a fact specific inquiry.
Depending on the facts presented, a progressive movement's calls for government regulation may be justified if the facts presented show that the call is justified.
If business is routinely defrauding citizens and ignoring tax law, then a progressive movement is right to call for regulation.
If the regulation is poorly written, then the progressive movement should be calling for better regulation and not new regulation.
They most likely would have sent messages like if they won or lost a battle. The modern Athens Marathon commemorates the run of a messenger from a battlefield at the site of the town of Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C. Legend has it that a messenger delivered the momentous message “Niki!” (“victory”), then collapsed and died. Maybe messages of where they should meet for battle, so if the figure out the enemy is attacking 50 miles west of where they were they could message their allies to meet there instead.
A chronology of key events in the history of Germany, from 800 to the unification of Germany under leadership of Prussia; new German Empire's authoritarian constitution creates elected national parliament, but gives emperor extensive powers. 1939-1945 - Invasion of Poland triggers World War II.
Imperial leaders model of trade was mainly based on mercantilism principles.
Trade was heavily skewed against the conquered lands. Finished goods were exported to the colonies while it is only raw materials that the colonies would export to the colonial master.