1. Polite
2. Destroy
3. Wind
4. Trade
5. Spoil
6. Necessary
A root word is the base of a word that has no prefixes or suffixes. A prefix or suffix is a word part that is added to the beginning or end of a word to change the meaning. Common suffixes change the verb tense like -ed or -ing. Prefixes like re- change how the action is performed. For example, rewind means that it is something being winded up again as opposed to for the first time.
A qualified and enthusiastic X, with over Y years’ worth of experience, currently searching for a Z position to utilize my skills and take the next step in my career.
How do you respond to the query, "Is cheating ever acceptable? Whether you are the cheater or the one being cheated on may depend. possibly by your own moral compass as well. Some people see cheating as a clear-cut problem, while others see it as having many different shades of gray. These contrasting frames of view can seriously harm any relationship.
It is both ethically and morally debatable whether cheating is ever acceptable. Most people would say "no," it is never okay. How does that account for the ongoing occurrence, then? Is it only erratic impulse control? In many instances, it most certainly is. In other cases, though, people will argue that there are legitimate reasons to go outside the parameters of their relationship. However, are these justifications actually real?.
By relating Abuelo's life's story, Arturo shows readers that he has taken an interest in Abuelo and his early life.
Answer: to
To indicates direction, and it completes the sentence.
I am going
TO school now.