I believe the answer for this one is that the Nazis blamed the Jews for social, political, economic conditions in Germany. The Germans would soon take it to the extreme, and "punish" them by committing one of the worst crimes possible, genocide, because of the Anti-Semistic views.
He was a leader of the abolitionist movement
He escaped from slavery and eventually became a national leader of the abolitionist movement, becoming famous with his antislavery writings.
He was a American politician and engineer. Was the 31 president.
It will mark the end of a decline in US influence and power, combined with the US rising from the ashes, after the catastrophe of corona
The result was that the British Parliament passed the 1764 Currency Act which forbade the colonies from issuing paper currency. This made it even more difficult for colonists to pay their debts and taxes. Soon after Parliament passed the Currency Act, Prime Minister Grenville proposed a Stamp Tax.