Hola, hoy te estoy escibiendo una letra para decirte de algo que es muy popular en mi escuela y communidad. Bueno, algo bien popular es un telefono que acaba de salir es el iphone 12. Apple lo acaba de sacar ase un rato y es el telefono mas nuevo se parece al 11 mucho solo tiene unas differencias. Es muy popular porque es un telefono nuevo que acaba de salir como mencione y a las personas les gustan las cosas nuevas y buenas.
The answer is 295 ÷ 7 = 42.14
Its the first one
the first one means wardrobe
Answer and Explanation:
The poem Adam by Hugh cook is a great piece, having a statistical approach. If we see the poem in terms of formalism, we will see the poem as a distinct work free from the environment, social pressure, and any other outer perspective. From the poem's title, we can say that the whole poem is about one prominent character name, Adam. He is the very first person in heaven who has eaten the forbidden fruit. Eden has been compared to this earth, today as we crave for something interesting, as we have many things to do to cope up with our mood swings but at that having no exciting thing to do, Adam has eaten that forbidden fruit because of the instinct he has in himself.
If we analyze the poem from a feminist perspective, we have to see the environmental effect, which urged Adam to eat that fruit.
By seeing the poem in term of Feminism, we can say that Adam has urged to get that forbidden fruit because of the serpent, and at the end of the poem, it has been shown through words that there was one more character behind him when Adam was walking out of the Eden;
Something on two legs
Is running after him.
Explanation:I think its ''ven conmigo'' not "venga"