(He burnt un’wares his wings, and cannot fly away.)
Answer: in the first passage the author means lonely as the regular definition which is being alone. He talks about the flowers and things because he is having alone time admiring them. He also talks about how he usually go on this walk to admire plants. Also, he talks about how he is so alone that nature is pretty much his friend.
The second passage refers to being lonely as in the greatness in enjoying your imagination when your friends are not around. For example, boredom can be used as the way this passage describes being lonely. In the first stanza, the poet says that he was wandering lonely as a Cloud that floats on high o'er vales and Hills. The phrase refers to him being roaming around without any purpose. He was all alone like a cloud that floats high in the valley.
Sloppy notes?
I like always take very sloppy notes and barely understand what i put down on paper when i read it so yeah.
Hi! Here is an idea of some things that you would want to write about...
Social media is changing the worlds lives in many ways. Whether it is through watching tv, or playing on your phone.
Here are some ideas for topics...
Social media changes how we get food. If was not for social media, we would not know that certain restaurants exist!!!
Social media also changes how we make friends. A lot of people have met their best friends online!
Happy Holidays!
I hope my answer helped!
Three mixed-race girls are torn brutally from their Aboriginal mother and sent over a thousand miles away to a training camp for domestic workers as part of a government policy to integrate them into white society. Linking the camp and their distant home territory is a vast rabbit-proof fence, which stretches from one coast to another and just might help the girls find their way back.