His good intentions and sincere desire to help the afflicted motivate him.
Unfortunately, Hale is also vulnerable. His zeal for discovering witchcraft allows others, particularly Abigail, to manipulate him. The amount of evidence for witchcraft when he arrives in Salem overwhelms him. Although Hale remains determined not to declare witchcraft unless he can prove it, the expectations of the people of Salem sweep him up, and, as a result, he takes their evidence at face value, rather than investigating it himself.
We may never know what comes in the future but I believe it is alright to try to shape it to have the best outcome possible. There is no better way to try and shape the future than setting goals. The main type of goals I will support are long term goals that will land you in your dream job. Even though long term goals might stress you out, it is very important to set goals for the future so you know what to aim for at each step of the way to your dream job. Even with counterclaims such as goals being too stressful, the is barely to no evidence to prove that so I believe setting goals is the right choice.
When setting goals, your are likely to have a bigger chance for success as demonstrated in a 2015 study by psychologist Gail Matthews that showed when people wrote down their goals, they were 33 percent more successful in achieving them than those who formulated outcomes in their head. Along with this, your goals for landing in your dream job will be the target to aim for. Without goals you might stumble upon more problems than when you have established goals to aim for. The difference between setting goals and formulating the outcome in your head is like setting up a target to shoot in a shooting range and just imagining a target. Obviously, you would be more successful when actually setting up a target. The same applies with goals, you are more successful when you actually set a goal.
Even with reason alone, you could infer that setting goals would most likely land you in your dream job. With goals you know what to shoot for and know how to get there. For example, if you want to become a doctor, your goals might be to complete an undergraduate education, pass MCAT examination, apply for medical school, and etc. Therefore, with these actually goals you can succeed in becoming a doctor because you know what to aim for. In addition to all the evidence, studies have shown that goals can motivate you and organize the path towards success.
Some counterclaims against goals are mostly based on feelings and not actually evidence. One example of this is the counterclaim that goals are too strict and don't give enough wiggle room. This is false because when setting goals, how you reach them is completely on how you want to reach them. Another counterclaim is that goals are too stressful and not worthwhile. This is also false due to the fact that you will have a higher success rate when setting goals and again, how stressful the goals might be is up to you.
Overall it is best to have goals set in stone to allow your self to succeed. One important factor is that goals are PROVEN to higher your success rate. Also if you don't set goals, you could be doing something wrong which could eventually affect your success in getting your dream job. If you use your reasoning skills you could infer that setting goals is the right way to go. Even though there are counterclaims, they are wrong because they are based on feelings and not actual evidence. If you set goals you can achieve anything with enough time.
- The Mississippi Treasury Department manages the state's public funds.
- The Department of Housing and Urban Development is a Branch of the federal government that oversees mortgage practices.
- The Mississippi Treasury Department manages the state's public funds.
- The Internal revenue service collects taxes from citizens
The first bullet point is incorrect because branch is not a pronoun and therefore shouldn't be capitalized. The third bullet point is wrong because the I.R.S (Internal Revenue Service) is a longer pronoun, and each letter of its acronym should be capitalized. Therefore, the second bullet point is correct.
The best summary of this monologue is:
Antony sends his servant to respectfully tell Brutus that Antony loves and honors him, as he did Caesar. Then the servant says that if Antony can safely come and inquire about Caesar’s death, then Antony will be loyal to Brutus.
As it is summarized, Antony wanted to tell Brutus how magnanimous, wise, brave, and honorable he was to him, and used his servant as a messenger to do so. He also claimed the same thoughts or feelings regarding Caesar. In this way, he promises faithfulness to Brutus given that it will be safe for him to pay Brutus a visit in order to hear the story of why he commited such murder.