Harriet Tubman aided slaves from the south to escape their captors. She courageously set up the Underground Railroad by marking trees, and whites who opposed slavery set up “safe houses” she also informed that if a slave were to get lost, to look towards the sky and find the North Star.
<span>Eliminativism is based on the belief
that race is not biological</span>
Naturalism on the other hand is based
on the notion that race is biological
Constructivism is based on the notion
that race is real, but only socially construed as it is based on social factors.
The British because the Dutch surrendered to the British
The Good Neighbor Policy was the foreign policy that was led by President Franklin Roosevelt and his administration regarding the countries of Latin America. The United States wanted to have good relations with its neighbors, especially at a time when conflicts were beginning to take hold, and this policy was more or less meant to gather support in Latin America. Through the Good Neighbor Policy, the United States was to keep its eye on Latin America in a more peaceful way than in the past. This in fact ended with unpopular military interventions and switched to other methods to cope with the impacts of Latin America: pan-Americanism, support for strong local tenants, national guard training, economic and cultural interference, export-import bank loans, and monitoring of finance and political subversion.