The psychrometer is a device used to measure the
Relative Humidity (RH) of the air.
Relative humidity is the ratio of
(the amount of moisture in the air, here and now)
(the amount of moisture the air could hold at this temperature) .
Being a ratio, it has no units. It's just a naked number, always
less than ' 1 ', and usually expressed as a percent.
When visiting a cave, it is important not to take any formations in the cave because : C) They took thousands of years to form, and should be left so others can enjoy them too. <span>Cavers care about the preservation of these beautiful caves and embrace the motto which they even revised to be cavern friendly :</span><span> “Take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time, and leave nothing – not even footprints.”</span>
Answer: The answer is Biosphere!
The biosphere is the system that serves as the interface between other spheres.
Régimen es el ordenamiento político establecido en una sociedad por los poderes constitucionales que obran sobre ella, así como el conjunto de autoridades políticas del Estado.
Answer: I dont understand you question