The answer is: How much does the author want the job?
From Angelous' experience, we learned many lessons, one of the main ones after reading "Occupation: Conductorette” was persistence. If Angelous hadn't gone to the company every day (being persistent) for she wanted so much the job, otherwise, she wouldn't have continued going there after her first visit in which the lady denied that there was help wanted. But her persistency meant, how much did she really wanted the job. You are persistent when you really want something, when you don't, you just stop trying on the first time.
He was way to prideful and that becomes his downfall!
Thank you very much.
They used to set up a little camp area where the people would stay and then they would try to convert people from whatever religion they were to become their religion. The priests would usually give speeches and they had people tell others about the speech.
Answer: Do I see that the writer tried to add style to the essay?
Do I notice that the writer tries to engage readers?
It is explosition and rising action