Prior to the Seven Year's War (French Indian War) the Native American's largest tribe, the Mingoes, were allied with Great Britain. However, many Indians in the Upper Ohio Valley did not acknowledge british authority. Even though many of these Indians were fearful and hold grudges of the French because of previous wars, they believed that an alliance with the french was the lesser of two evils. Consequently, they started to supply French forces with men and intelligence against Great Britain.
rule by consent of the governed
Roosevelt was against the war he wanted to stay neutral in fact he didn't stay neutral because he was supplying the Allies and the Central powers where getting mad so Germany had sent a telegram to Mexico telling them to attack the U.S and they would get back there lost territories so then the Britains got the message and sent it to the U.S and the U.S was mad at Germany so they entered the war
The globe is a part of the world into therefore we must surrender and know our ways around it