A word that describes a noun
Some of the greatest barriers to assimilation were prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and federal law itself. Many ethnic groups ran into prejudice in America. In the workplace, Jewish men and women ran into problems with others – even those who shared their religious beliefs but not their nationality.
Jem matures much more when the procedure starts. Injustice, disillusionment, and malice begin to make sense to him. Jem learns that doing the right thing isn't always the best option, and that even decent people may make mistakes. He develops a profound regard for his father, admiration that extends beyond Atticus's role as a parent to Atticus's role as a man.
Hello (Soldiers name)!! My name is (First name or nickname). I would like to thank you for serving this country and tell you that you are doing a great job! Stay safe out there and keep up the great work!!
Though Robert was more reserved, he enjoyed the sparkle that Clara’s vivacious personality brought to the situations they experienced.