Number 5 is “A mi me gusta comer fruta.” Or “Me gusta comer fruta.”
11.) What's your name & where do you live?
12.) How old are you & how many siblings do you have?
13.) What is your favorite hobby?
14.) Who is your friend & why?
15.) What are you gonna do today?
16.) Do you have a pet?
17.) What would you do after graduating from Penn Foster & why?
18.) Where are you going tomorrow?
19.) What did you did yesterday?
20.) Where have you traveled recently & who did you went with?
1. cepillan
2. afeito
3. lavar
4. seca
5. ponemos
6. cepilla
7. afeitarse
8. lavan
9. secaron
10. ponen
Okay im done. hope it helps