2. He thinks it was a disastrous move.
Got corrected on e2020
1. was the first major battle in the Civil War
2. was fought in 1860
3. were two ironclad steamships used by the Union and the Confederacy
4. Merrimack
5. General William Tecumseh Sherman
6. First Battle of Bull Run
7. Gettysburg
8. none of the above
9. meant the destruction of slavery in all Cofederate States
10. Lincoln's interpretation included African Americans
Took place in nuremberg(1945-1946 post ww2) with judges from the allies ( France,Britain,US,Russia) to sentence Nazi Officials who had committed war crimes, most significantly those relating to the nazi death camps. 22 major nazi criminals were tried, 12 of which were sentenced to death.
The fall of the berlin wall
The convention adopted an "Ordinance of Secession" by a vote of 166 to 8, which was ratified by a popular referendum on February 23. ... — Texas Secession Convention, A Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union,