A loving African American family, living in the town of Flint, Michigan in 1963. When the oldest son Byron begins to get into a bit of trouble, the parents decide he should spend the summer and possibly the next school year with Grandma Sands in Birmingham, Alabama. The entire family travels there together by car, and during their visit, tragic events take place that affect the whole family but mainly Kenny. (basically the whole plot of the story for ya)
sergi likes a quiet live while yonie is adventurous
Answer: I ordered many things at the restaurant: a salad, chicken pesto, and tiramisu.
A colon is a punctuation mark that has two parallel dots and it is used when people are trying to tell the readers what they meant. In this case, the writer is telling us that he ordered many things in the restaurany, and after the colon : he wrote on what things he was thinking, those are chicken pesto, a salad, and tiramisu.
The colon is used to introduce the items to readers. That can be a series of items or something similar.
if u were made fun of about ur apperance which includes me you would wand to hide from reality
A 'good relationship' means different things to different people. However, good adult relationships generally involve 2 people who respect and can communicate with each other, and have equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities.
Some things they need to include:
Acceptance. ...
Honesty and trust. ...
Respect. ...
Loyalty. ...
Staying Present. ...
Affection and passion. ...
Humor. ...
Effective Disagreements.