Immigration, race, alcohol, evolution, gender politics, and se️xual morality all became major cultural battlefields during the 1920s. Wets battled drys, religious modernists battled religious fundamentalists, and urban ethnics battled the Ku Klux Klan. The 1920s was a decade of profound social changes.
Answer: One major difference is that King's believes that slavery didn't play a role, while Burns' does. A historical event that could support King's is when Congress established the Freedmen's Bureau in 1865. This provided aid to African Americans in their transition from slavery to freedom. A historical event that could support Burns' is Dred Scott v. Sandford. The case in 1857 declared that slaves and blacks descended from slaves and were not American citizens and cannot sue, so this could have led to outrage and war.
Answer: B Catholicism and Judaism
Explanation: those are the most common religions in Europe
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Freedmen regardless a man or a woman that was referred mainly to the previous slaves that have been released and discharged from enslavement either by emancipation or manumission – granted freedom by both who owns them or as part of a bigger group.