The central idea is to show how the foods offered in American supermarkets are very convenient, but unhealthy and attractive.
According to the article, we can see that as we age and understand more about healthy foods, the foods offered by supermarkets become less interesting. That's because, as adults, we look for the ease and practicality of frozen, extremely processed foods, fast food, among others. These foods do not propose a safe diet and can be very harmful, however, when an individual opts for healthier foods, he finds it difficult to find them in supermarkets.
The sentence uses the word distinctive in the context "three distinct ways". Then the excerpt lists the three ways the 10K is special. Seeing that each of those ways are separate and different it is clear that "distinct" means "separate" in this context.
Because Hemingway wants to mirror the reliability of the character in the situation of the story using a straight forward manor. For youngsters of Hemingway's era, World War I should be the enterprise of a lifetime. You basically must be there. A significant number of the individuals who did not take part in the abroad battle as a result of age or different conditions profoundly lamented missing their shot.
Making a pro CSGO team; This increases my pride because I can brag to my friends. For example, "Get Rekt, you noobs I'm on the FaZe CSGO team with FaZe fox.". It also increases my status as a person as I am in the media a considerable amount more than an average person. I also get paid for doing something I love such as playing CSGO and video games in general. What really increases my pride is being able to make it to such a prestigious team such as FaZe and being able to be so good at something I can do it professionally and get paid for it.
The passage given above clearly uses the rhetorical device which is ETHOS. Ethos is one of the appeals of logic. The main aim of the appeals of logic is to persuade the readers or audience. Ethos is a Greek word which means "character"; therefore, using Ethos as a rhetorical device means persuading or convincing others using the character of the persuader. The answer for this is option B.