A woman comforting another woman.
Slaves were used in the North for different purpose. In the North, slave labor helped to provide the food necessary to feed the Union army is a false statement.
<h2>Slavery in the North</h2>
In the north, plantation slavery were used in each colony, where they cultivate staple crop colonists chose to cultivate.
In the war, African Americans were used for military purposes. in the South, they were used as enslaved labor and in the north, they were used as wage labor and military volunteers.
The North did not support slavery in full
. They oppose slavery was based on political and anti-south sentiment, economic factors, etc.
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Poor working conditions and low wages
During the 1800s, there was experienced rapid industralization.
The set up industries needed both skilled and bnon-skilled labour for their operations.
Most of the Population resorted to jobs available in the industries.
Due to the emergence of the working and ruling classes, the workers felt oppressed by the emeployers.
In a abid to pull together and fight for their rights, laboures formed labour unions to adress their issues among them being poor working conditions and low wages.