You should give credit to them, yes. You can state the source from which it came from, or the author himself. I’m going to say this is true
Since before recorded history, environmental changes have affected things people value. In consequence, people have migrated or changed their ways of living as polar ice advanced and retreated, endured crop failures or altered their crops when temperature and rainfall patterns changed, and made numerous other adjustments in individual and collective behavior. Until very recently, people have responded to global phenomena as if they were local, have not organized their responses as government policies, and have not been able to respond by deliberately altering the course of the global changes themselves. Things are different now from what they have been for millennia.
ehhhh look yooo loop hhahaha
I believe it's A) It build readers' sympathy for the speaker and his problem because it builds on how young they were when they fell in love with each other.
c) Women and men should recieve equal bills.