Many people didn't like his treaty and thought that he was a traitor. He was very unpopular.
In general, the new technology of the 1920s led to a more connected, mobile society. The Roaring Twenties were a decade of prosperity in the United States. Technology and innovation were a large part of this prosperity, and impacted the lives of average Americans.
I don’t know i can’t remember to be honest with you
The colonists did not like the British putting taxes on them. Some colonsists even migrated to America.
<h2>The primary message this would have sent was that the Empire was in danger of collapsing since it was beyond clear that the rulers could not control their own population.</h2>
The message was that the form of government was broken and therefore the Empire was now not sturdy and cohesive enough to resist takeover by Eurasian peoples taking possession. once Rome became associate degree empire it did not in fact amendment at once. Some elements of the republic stayed enact. one amongst them was body forms.