Which of these situations best illustrates Article Six (6) of the U.S. Constitution? No government body has the right to make laws that infringe upon the Constitutional freedoms established by the government.
a mid-ocean ridge
The landform expected to be formed along this margin is a typical mid-ocean ridge.
- A mid - oceanic ridge forms along the margins of a divergent zone.
- In this place, mafic and ultramafic magma are brought to the surface
- They cool and solidify in such environment.
- Iceland harnesses the geothermal energy from this diverging boundary to meet some of her energy needs.
Superposition is the geologic principle which explains why the bottom stratum in a section of rock is the oldest. The word literally means placing one thing on top of another where the lower strata are the older.
<span>B. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury </span>
Hepatitis B is a viral infection. This infection attacks the liver and is a source of acute and chronic disease. It is transmitted by body fluids like blood, and can also be transmitted by sex if one is infected, or by childbirth by the infected mother. It is also transmitted if people are sharing needles or syringes. So prevention would be done by practicing safe sex, testing ourselves before we have kids, and using clean syringes and needles that nobody used before us. Besides these, there is a vaccination that is safe and works.
Most don't report symptoms when infected. But some can experience illness for several weeks and their skin starts yellowing along with the eyes, urine becomes darker, nausea and fatigue along with vomiting or abdominal pain.