Actually, Hitler took control of a very desperate Germany after ww1 when they were dramatically left in pieces. He began to put a thought in his head that he could control the whole world and make them pay. To serve as a message, he began to wipe an entire race, known as Jews. These Jews were put in camps called concentration camps to either be burned or be worked to death. During the Battle of Burling Hitler married his soul mate and committed suicide 2 days later so he wouldn't be captured. His corpse was then burned.
The tax of 1791 also known as the Excise Whiskey Tax. This tax put a federal tax on imported alcohol. This led to the Whiskey Rebellion.
I hope this helps;)
The government of ancient Athens was "a direct democracy," since in fact the Ancient Greeks were the ones who "invented" democracy in the first place.
Key to this is the concept of a social contract. This is kind of like a hypothetical agreement between subjects or citizens and an authority or a ruler. So, it's not as if we sign a piece of paper or anything like that, but rather we kind of form a contract among ourselves to maintain order. Different philosophers have different perspectives on what would happen in a state of nature. Let's talk about three major philosophers who wrote about the idea of a state of nature.
(b) redistribute land to peasants.