In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Act 4, scene 1, lines 97-105, Macbeth receives three apparitions which provide him with three pieces of a prophecy (1- Beware of Macduff, 2- Macbeth cannot be harmed by someone born form a woman, 3- Macbeth will not be defeated until the Birnam Wood walks to Dusinane Hill). After hearing this prophecy, he feels pleased and safe to know that he will be king until the day he dies (lines 103-105: <em>"... Macbeth</em><em>Shall live the lease of nature, pay his breath To time and mortal custom."</em>). However, he is still eager to know if Banquo and his offspring will reign eventually (lines 105-108: <em>Yet my heart Throbs to know one thing. Tell me, if your art can tell so much: shall Banquo’s issue ever Reign in this kingdom?</em>). This goes to show that he didn't feel like he had enough with knowing he would be king for his entire life, he also had to know that Banquo would not reign. This shows how irrationally ambitious and egotistical he had become.
A. <span>Christine ran slower than her sister.
<em>Slower </em> is comparing Christine's speed to the speed of her sister.
The quote "Have the courage to live. Anyone can die" can relate to real life because you should have a motive to live. Life is hard and the world is cruel but we have to keep pushing life is hard we must be strong in order to survive.Anyone can end there life's but a strong person should be able to have the courage for another day.
Sylvia is a child who is different than other children. She tries to find solace in the Maine wilderness. She is walking along in the woods when she hears the whistle for the first time. She does not see where the whistle is coming from, and does not see the hunter, himself. She knows animal and bird sounds and, when she hears his whistle, she is immediately scared or alarmed. She is a child who has been terrorized by other children and who avoids people because she doesn't interact with them well, and has a hard time making friends. When she hears the whistle she knows that it is NOT a bird's whistle she is hearing and therefore it is coming from a person. This is something that is terrifying to her because a person could be an "enemy" or someone who could harm her, which is a great source of anxiety and fear. Sylvia is a person who is afraid of people. Her friends are the animals and creatures in the woods. They are where she finds comfort and security.
According to the book, when she hears the whistle she is "horror-stricken". She is afraid of people, especially boys after she has been tormented by a boy at school. It is natural, then, that a young girl who is afraid of people and afraid of young boys in general, would be scared when she heard the whistle of a boy she doesn't know in a place where she generally feels safe and secure. It would be natural for her to see whoever the boy was as an enemy.