Plants generate nitrogen in their roots
7. This is an earthquake fault.(I'm sorry idk what your teacher calls it)
8. Earthquakes are due to plate tectonics, because when they move it causes trouble.(not very scientific definition sorry)
9. You can tell this is a fault because a fault is where plate tectonics slip. It causes a sort of fracture. (Also I recognize this photo it's from New Zealand an earthquake happened there in 2016)
Hope this helps
Traffic from all four directions must stop.
- The four-way stop sign is also called as all stop sign in traffic management consists of stopping of all the vehicles for all the four directions at the same time of the intersection before crossing it .And was designed to have a low traffic volume and is commonly found in America, Africa and Canada.
The world is improving energy efficiency and vehicle fuel economy and also increasing wind and solar power.
According to Geology, there's a theory which held that surface, mountains, lakes, were created by suddenly because of great catastrophes like earthquakes and floods.