Basically, <u>two important changes were introduced to the definition of homeland security in 2010</u>. <u>First one</u> was about <em><u>Nation’s homeland security missions. </u></em>These missions are enterprise-wide, and not limited to the Department of Homeland Security. Federal Government, State, local, tribal, and territorial governments, the private sector, and other non-governmental organizations are responsible for executing these missions. The homeland security professionals must have a clear sense of what it takes to achieve this vision. <u>The second change</u> was about <em><u>three key and essential concepts for a comprehensive approach to homeland security: Security, Resilience and Customs and Exchange</u></em>.
Destroyed idols in Kaaba, rededicated Kaaba to Allah
San Juan Hill is the answer
They provided uniforms, blankets, sandbags and other supplies for entire regiments. They wrote letters to soldiers and worked as untrained nurses in makeshift hospitals. They even cared for wounded soldiers in their homes.