Cow = Vaca, Calf = Becerro, Chicken = Gallina, Horse = Caballo, Pig = Cerdo, Yellow Chick = Gallina amarillo.
Comparatives with adjectives is just an adjective but something more so instead of Good in English you would say execellent.
The Cow is grande. Using the Comparative adjective for grande you would say, La vaca es mayor que el gallina armarillo. (The cow is bigger than the yellow chicken.)
I think that the air is a problem that has to be fixed very soon. Every day there are more cars that pollute the air than us. In addition, the in the regions near the city removes a large part of the oxygen that was in the city. Street conditions are important for people to ride a bike to work. Thus, everyone can oil, which is one that will not last. The use of bicycles in the city is one of the best ideas for the use of cars. We must think that the car is a necessary object, and look for other ways to transport ourselves. Maybe one day we can solve the problems caused by pollution.
1. she is swimming
2. we are playing
3. i am running
4. they are walking