inner guide
Inner guide is the voice of personal responsibility and accountability. These are voices inside one’s mind which helps him take wise decision. These are self talk to come better of oneself.
Inner guide helps one to assess the situation and task and then decide what could be the right recourse. It helps to take situations positively and deals with it in the most effective and positive way.
Example: It was my mistake and I can fix it to solve the problem.
Here the speaker is not blaming anyone or being pessimistic that maitake cannot be rectified. but he accepts his mistake but he also can resolve it
In all the sentences mentioned above self talk is going on inside one brain and he is trying to analyze his situation. He is saying if plan A does not work he would switch to plan B . He is taking all the situation positively and ready to take action in case of failure of one action. Which are evident of voices of inner guide based on discussion above.
do you have more information i am sorry i cannot help
Indirect Object should be your answer
One is bad and one is good.
The classic Trolley problem
It's been told and retold, with different variations, jokes, and ideas built on top of it. It's a great question in my opinion, it really does show where one's heart and ideas lie. Would you sacrifice the lives of strangers to save those you love? Or would you value the lives of these innocent people, with their own loved ones and stories ahead?
In reality, I don't think I've ever answered it for myself, but right now, for the sake of the question, I would go with saving my child. If I were a parent faced with this problem, hit in the heat of the moment with no time to think, derailing the track to kill the five in order to save my child would be my first instinct.
"Getting creative within reason" is very interesting. Obviously, people have tried to find loopholes in the original question—untying your child and setting the path that way, jumping in front of the train, stopping the trolley altogether. I don't have anything to add here, but I'm interested to see what others might come up with, and what dictates 'out of reason'.
— I hope this helps. Have a stellar day