Answer:the world war 2 was the continuation of world war one
It was because during the world war one when the axis power lost the war Germany had to sign the treaty at Versailles and had to give 75 percent of its iron and 26percent of its coal to Denmark, Poland, Lithuania and France. The people of Germany thought this was because of the weimar republic . Then came the great depression where people could not get jobs as small businesses had been shut down and the youth had taken crime as their jobs. After all this crisis , Hitler came and joint the war after becoming the messenger he became the corporal . Then he joined a party and renamed which came to be known as the nazi party. He was then given the highest form in the government . The chancellorship . And then a mysterious fire broke out . Then he started to kill all the Jews and gypsies who were undesirables. He then started to capture parts like Poland, France, etc . This caused the world war 2 . This is how ww1 is connected to ww2.