1. if we are born in Japan or China our name will most likely have a meaning like grace or kindness like Asahi (朝日) means Morning Sun, while in america or britian if we have a name like emma maybe it was just a name our parents liked or we were named after someone.
2. if our identity is made by someone else or forced upon us we may not feel comfortable or secure with that identity. if we dont make our own little adjustments then that will never truely be the identity you feel comfortable with.
i hope this helped i apologize if it didnt
1- Qui sait.
2-ils descendaient d’un petit poisson en forme de feuille qui n’avait ni yeux, ni nageoires, ni os.
its french
1. у меня есть три сестры
2. он занял третье место
3. половина людей ушла
4. мне двадцать лет
5. он празднует свой второй развод
6. понедельник - первый день недели
Educational trip with your college.
Dear friend, I am very glad to tell you that I had gone educational trip with my classmates to London. It is a very big and busy city having very tall building and clean roads. There are many castle where royal families live. We visit to many industries where different products are manufactured as well as dairy farms where we see new methods of increasing milk productivity of animals. There school systems are very advance and the school provides best education to their students. There are many recreational parks and zoo there where we see different kinds of animals. The London city has cold weather so we buy warm clothes for ourselves. The processes of manufactured products increases my knowledge which help me a lot in my future. I enjoy this trip very much.