The relationship between the human foragers and the environment was much different than the one of the modern times. The foragers where directly dependent on the environment for their survival. They were not producing anything, so they were using the environment to get food and all the resources they needed. Nowadays, the relationship between the humans and the environment is much different, as most of the humans are directly dependent on the environment for the survival. This has led to have much less appreciation of it and very often even destroying it. The humans' relationship with the environment nowadays is much more recreational, scientific, or to use it for their further development.
flexible, short-term, and independent jobs
I think it's important to be able to overcome testing anxiety. Start finding out what helps you early so that you're not forced to figure it out the day of a big test.
it has to be, why? because the amount of spaces you move is determined by the number rolled by the six sided die.
How many hours you need to spend on studying for AP tests every week is going to depend a lot on how much material you need to review and how comfortable you are with the format of the exam questions. In general, though, you should expect to study for several hours a week split over two to three sessions.